
[Bookmarks] 201705 linux+nginx+sql+symfony+doctrine+php





鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第六章、Linux 檔案與目錄管理
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第七章、Linux 磁碟與檔案系統管理
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第八章、檔案與檔案系統的壓縮,打包與備份
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第九章、vim 程式編輯器
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十章、認識與學習BASH

Linux – cp: omitting directory 复制文件失败
ls(1) - OpenBSD manual pages
Getting Started | Support : Xshell
Linux系列-Xshell連接本地VMware安裝的Linux虛擬機 - 壹讀
'Ifconfig' Command Not Found In CentOS 7 Minimal Installation - A Quick Tip To Fix It | Unixmen
[Linux] 修改 CentOS 上 yum 使用的變數值 @ 亂打一通的心情日記 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
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鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第五章、Linux 的檔案權限與目錄配置
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第八章、檔案與檔案系統的壓縮,打包與備份
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第九章、vim 程式編輯器
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十章、認識與學習BASH
Xshell配置ssh免密码登录-密钥公钥(Public key)与私钥(Private Key)登录
gzip(1): compress/expand files - Linux man page
bash: bzcat: command not found
Download Symfony Framework and Components
[教學] 在 CentOS 中使用 Nginx 來架設 Web 伺服器 | 百‧EDOC


鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十章、認識與學習BASH
How To Install Nginx on CentOS 7 | DigitalOcean
RHEL 及 CentOS 7 安裝 Apache, MariaDB, PHP(LAMP) – Linux 技術手札
如何查詢 Linux 的發行版名稱與版本? - G. T. Wang
install php centos 7 - Google 搜尋
How To Install MySQL on CentOS 7 | DigitalOcean
RHEL / CentOS 7 用 Yum 安裝 MySQL 5.6 – Linux 技術手札
MySQL :: A Quick Guide to Using the MySQL Yum Repository
MySQL :: A Quick Guide to Using the MySQL Yum Repository
MySQL :: A Quick Guide to Using the MySQL Yum Repository
MySQL :: A Quick Guide to Using the MySQL Yum Repository
如何安装最新的MySQL 5.7.9在RHEL / CentOS 7/6/5和Fedora 23/22/21 | Howtoing运维教程
How To Install Linux, nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP) stack on Ubuntu 12.04 | DigitalOcean
無堅不摧,唯快不破!快改用 Nginx + PHP-FPM 取代 Apache 吧! - Soul & Shell Blog
程序员 - 搞不清FastCgi与PHP-fpm之间是个什么样的关系 - SegmentFault
XYZ的筆記本: 在 CentOS 7 安裝 Nginx、PHP-FPM、MariaDB
Vim的操作小技巧 - 高見龍
Vim的操作小技巧 - 高見龍
[教學] 在 CentOS 中安裝 PHP-FPM for Nginx | 百‧EDOC
How To Install Symfony 3 Framework on CentOS / RHEL
nginx ngrok - Google 搜尋
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ngrok+nginx 实现内网穿透 共用80端口 | 应用开发笔记


PHP Standards Recommendations - PHP-FIG
PSR-2: Coding Style Guide - PHP-FIG
PSR-1: Basic Coding Standard - PHP-FIG
逐步提昇PHP技術能力 - PHP的語言特性 : Namespaces 與 Class Autoloading - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天
駝峰式大小寫 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
PSR-2 PHP Coding Style | 點燈坊
How To Install PHP Composer on CentOS 7 - idroot
vim plugin php - Google 搜尋
Jon Cairns Blog | Using Vim as a PHP IDE
VundleVim/Vundle.vim: Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
GitHub - vim-php/phpctags: An enhanced ctags compatible index generator written in pure PHP. Released under GPLv2 license.
Vundle:Vim Plugin 自動下載、安裝、更新與管理工具(Vim Bundle) - G. T. Wang
MySQL :: Begin Your Download
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Re: [問題] 有比較強大的文字瀏覽器嗎?(除了lynx) - 看板 Browsers - 批踢踢實業坊
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LYNX – The Text Web-Browser
A Command Line Web Browsing with Lynx and Links Tools
CentOS 7 安裝與設定 Nginx + MariaDB + PHP + phpMyAdmin(LEMP) | MIS腳印
Install NGINX and PHP-FPM running on UNIX file sockets
linux - How to find my php-fpm.sock? - Stack Overflow
nginx php books - Google 搜尋
nginx php-fpm安装配置 | Nginx 中文官方文档
無堅不摧,唯快不破!快改用 Nginx + PHP-FPM 取代 Apache 吧! - Soul & Shell Blog
php-fpm cannot start on CentOS 7 · Issue #151 · geerlingguy/ansible-role-php


CentOS 7 安裝與設定 Nginx + MariaDB + PHP + phpMyAdmin(LEMP) | MIS腳印
Install NGINX and PHP-FPM running on UNIX file sockets
linux - How to find my php-fpm.sock? - Stack Overflow
CentOS 7 安裝與設定 Nginx + MariaDB + PHP + phpMyAdmin(LEMP) | MIS腳印
nginx php-fpm安装配置 | Nginx 中文官方文档
CentOS / RHEL: yum Command Reinstall Package – nixCraft
linux - How to find my php-fpm.sock? - Stack Overflow
How to restart PHP FPM? How to start or reload php fpm for nginx? - Comfort VPS
php-fpm cannot start on CentOS 7 · Issue #151 · geerlingguy/ansible-role-php
快速安裝Nginx+PHP以Ubuntu為例 - JSON
How to fix connect() to php5-fpm.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream Nginx error - Jesin's Blog
centos7下全程yum安装适用于dbshop的LNMP环境(转) - DBShop博客DBShop博客
php - nginx + php5-fpm.sock is not found - Stack Overflow
centos linux下查看 nginx 默认 日志 位置 实时查看显示日志 » 魏若愚博客
The page is not found
php - Where is the location of php5.6-fpm.sock? - Stack Overflow
php - Where is the location of php5.6-fpm.sock? - Stack Overflow
centos - php-fpm doesn't create .sock file - Stack Overflow


nginx php-fpm安装配置 | Nginx 中文官方文档
Nginx 中文官方文档 · GitBook
快速安裝Nginx+PHP以Ubuntu為例 - JSON
MYSQL PHP - Google 搜尋
解决mysql“Access denied for user 'root'@'IP地址' - 遗失的星空 - 博客园
安裝 LAMP - 在 CentOS 6.3 裡安裝 Apache、Mysql、Php @ 黃昏的甘蔗 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌
How to install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP stack (LAMP) on CentOS 6 (VPS, Dedicated Server, )
GRANT command not working in MySQL Server - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
MySQL 新增使用者及建立資料庫權限 – Linux 技術手札
風隨雲想: 解決 MYSQL 登入時,ERROR 1045 (28000) using password: NO 的方法
debian - Can't start/stop mysql service - Server Fault
解决CentOS7 无法启动mysql 的解决办法
How to Start MySQL? MySQL isn't starting. - Ask Fedora: Community Knowledge Base and Support Forum
CentOS 安裝 MySQL 及 簡易 好用 基本 設定 | 無痛教學 KiKi Note
MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 2.5.5 Installing MySQL on Linux Using RPM Packages from Oracle
Simple PHP CRUD Operations with MySQL | Coding Cage
CRUD Operations With PHP and MySql - By Cleartuts
Message Board
Connecting to MySQL using PHP
php - Headers and client library minor version mismatch - Stack Overflow
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十六章、程序管理與 SELinux 初探
How can I downgrade mysql 5.7 to 5.6 on Ubuntu 16.04? - Ask Ubuntu
SSH Install Mysqlnd - Package Not Found - Stack Overflow
使用MySQL ALTER TABLE 語法修改資料表欄位 @ 史丹利愛碎念 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Add Columns to a Table (Database Engine) | Microsoft Docs
mysql - ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'db.tablename' doesn't exist - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
MySQL > Table doesn't exist. But it does (or it should) - Stack Overflow
MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 14.1.8 ALTER TABLE Syntax
Add a column to an existing MySQL table
MySQL 超新手入門(3)SELECT 基礎查詢 by Michael | CodeData


Message Board
Manage Order
Nginx和PHP-FPM的啟動/重啟腳本 – 塵埃落定
How to Stop and Disable Firewalld on CentOS 7 – Liquid Web Knowledge Base
Connection timed out的錯HttpClient 每次請求未close導致 Nginx connect failed - 壹讀
Help me to fix "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" | DigitalOcean
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第八章、檔案與檔案系統的壓縮,打包與備份
Simple PHP CRUD Operations with MySQL | Coding Cage
Git - Reference
我的雲端硬碟 - Google 雲端硬碟
Learn Git with Bitbucket Cloud | Atlassian Git Tutorial
Testing your SSH connection - User Documentation
Multiple SSH keys for different accounts on Github or Gitlab
Git - 初次設定Git
git config - Git configuration doesn't work - Stack Overflow
SourceTree | Free Git and Hg Client for Mac and Windows
Git - 分支的新建與合併
ceparadise168 / ssh keys — Bitbucket
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第八章、檔案與檔案系統的壓縮,打包與備份
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第六章、Linux 檔案與目錄管理
Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent - User Documentation
linux 目前位置 - Google 搜尋
阿舍的隨手記記、隨手寫寫...: Ubuntu 如何用 cp 和 mv 指令複製和搬移整個資料夾( 包含子資料夾 ) ?
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第五章、Linux 的檔案權限與目錄配置
每天一個Linux指令- rm (用來刪除目錄/檔案) @ jashliao的部落格 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Instant Markdown


bashrc - How to add an alias to a command in terminal? - Ask Ubuntu
Git - git-checkout Documentation
基础篇:撤销git commit或者git add文件 « xyy601's Blog
github - Git: fatal: Pathspec is in submodule - Stack Overflow
老天尊的死期: diff 兩個資料夾的某些內容並上色
使用 colordiff 指令將 diff 的輸出加上顏色、更好閱讀 - G. T. Wang
我的 Git 偏好設定 | ihower { blogging }
让Git的输出更友好: 多种颜色和自定义log格式 « PureWeber – 纯粹互联网
我的 Git 偏好設定 | ihower { blogging }
Git Diff output to file preserve coloring - Stack Overflow
Replace Tab with Spaces in VIM - Stack Overflow
[Vim] 將 Tab 轉換成 Space | 小惡魔 - 電腦技術 - 工作筆記 - AppleBOY
凍仁的筆記: Vim 環境設定 - vimrc
vi 與 vim 的指令整理 | Vixual
Simple PHP CRUD Operations with MySQL | Coding Cage
Linux Rename File Command – nixCraft
centos7 安装zsh和使用oh-my-zsh-奇特博客
淺談 HTTP Method:表單中的 GET 與 POST 有什麼差別? - Soul & Shell Blog
PSR-2 PHP Coding Style | 點燈坊
vim 視窗分割 | Peter Dave Hello's Blog
Message Board
cp – 複製檔案目錄指令 – Linux 技術手札
Delete / Remove a Directory Linux Command – nixCraft
Symfony2在Nginx下的配置 | Symfony中文站
Git - 在伺服器上部署 Git
Git 初學筆記 - 指令操作教學 - Tsung's Blog
PSR-2 PHP Coding Style | 點燈坊
Simple PHP CRUD Operations with MySQL | Coding Cage
ngrok - download
Instant Markdown
symfony nginx - Google 搜尋
Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework (current)
Symfony | NGINX
install symfony centos 7 - Google 搜尋
How To Install Symfony 3 Framework on CentOS / RHEL
zsh安装配置(centos7) | Round's blog
Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
安装完CentOS 7 后必做事——软件安装(lnmp) - 简书
第八章:数据库和Doctrine - symfony2中文教程


Vendor binaries and the vendor/bin directory - Composer
doctrine/doctrine2: Doctrine 2 Object Relational Mapper (ORM)
1. Introduction — Doctrine DBAL 2 documentation
Welcome to Doctrine DBAL’s documentation! — Doctrine DBAL 2 documentation
Welcome to Doctrine 2 ORM’s documentation! — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
DoctrineBundle Configuration ("doctrine") (The Symfony Reference)
ORM Cheatsheet | Your number one ORM reference
Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
Doctrine2 - No Metadata Classes to process - Stack Overflow
[Semantical Error] The annotation "@Entity" in class Product was never imported. - Google 搜尋
Annotation Exception @Entity never was imported - Google 網上論壇
Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework (current)
php - Trouble with importing annotations - Stack Overflow
How to Upgrade PHP version 5.4 to 5.6 on CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7
php 5.* - Google 搜尋
Failed to restart php-fpm.service: Unit not found - Google 搜尋
linux - Reload php on CentOS - Stack Overflow
linux - How can i find out why my php5-fpm failed to start? - Server Fault
where is php-fpm - Google 搜尋
Symfony2在Nginx下的配置 | Symfony中文站
PHP5.6中php-fpm的配置、启动、关闭和重启 - Field_Yang的博客 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
PHP 5.6 on CentOS/RHEL 7.2 and 6.8 via Yum –
www.conf nginx - Google 搜尋
無堅不摧,唯快不破!快改用 Nginx + PHP-FPM 取代 Apache 吧! - Soul & Shell Blog
CentOS 7 安裝與設定 Nginx + MariaDB + PHP + phpMyAdmin(LEMP) | MIS腳印


Instant Markdown
快速安裝Nginx+PHP以Ubuntu為例 - JSON
NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms · Issue #73 · magenx/Magento-Automated-Server-Configuration-from-MagenX
logging - nginx doesn't log anything - Super User
centos - nginx not logging errors to log files - Server Fault
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第五章、Linux 的檔案權限與目錄配置
Nginx 和 PHP-FPM 权限安全配置
update php 5.4 to 5.6 site not work - Google 搜尋
Linux Set Date and Time From a Command Prompt – nixCraft
error log 寫入權限 php - Google 搜尋
[linux] php 的 error_log 無法寫入 @ 長島冰茶的工程師筆記 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
How to Stop and Disable Firewalld on CentOS 7 – Liquid Web Knowledge Base
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function Symfony\Bundle\ - Google 搜尋
composer Fatal error Call to undefined function Symfony\Polyfill\Mbstring\iconv() · Issue #45 · symfony/polyfill
Attempted to call function “posix_setsid” | Fernando Aparicio
How To Install Symfony 3 Framework on CentOS / RHEL
[Intl] Twig is not using bundled ICU data · Issue #15007 · symfony/symfony
Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework (current)
permissions - Access denied (403) for PHP files with Nginx + PHP-FPM - Stack Overflow
Setting up or Fixing File Permissions (current)
鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十三章、Linux 帳號管理與 ACL 權限設定
Configuring a Web Server (current)
Connection closed by foreign host - Google 搜尋
[SOLVED] Laravel 5 Error on Installation. - - The Laravel Community Portal
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
How to Set external Parameters in the Service Container (current)
doctrineORM/app/config at master · ceparadise168/doctrineORM
Why error? PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'CLASS' (T_CLASS), .... [#2731495] |
Requirements for Running Symfony (The Symfony Reference)
php - Symfony 2.8.1 error after installation - Stack Overflow
symfony/symfony-demo: Symfony Demo Application
PHP Performance I: Everything You Need to Know About OpCode Caches – Engine Yard Developer Center


Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
PHP can't write to error log - permission denied - Stack Overflow
symfony/symfony-demo: Symfony Demo Application
Create your First Page in Symfony (current)
The page is not found
Create your First Page in Symfony (current)
Controller (current)
Create your First Page in Symfony (current)
Setting up or Fixing File Permissions (current)
php - I can't access to My web site Symfony [ You are not allowed to access this file ] - Stack Overflow
php - RuntimeException: Unable to create the cache directory (/var/www/sonata/app/cache/dev) - Stack Overflow
[SOLVED] Deleted /var/log/messages.log, doesn't log anymore? / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums
linux - Symfony permission denied - Stack Overflow
symfony nginx 403 Forbidden - Google 搜尋
centos - Nginx 403 forbidden for all files - Stack Overflow
php - Why is my Symfony route is not working? - Stack Overflow
Symfony 3 with docker 入門 - La Tech.
[Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ContextErrorException] when clearing the cache · Issue #19341 · symfony/symfony
Create your First Page in Symfony (current)
php - Why is my Symfony route is not working? - Stack Overflow


Class Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager | Object Relational Mapper
Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework (current)
The annotation "@Entity" in class Product was never imported. - Google 搜尋
BBinMobile - 訂便當管理系統 DinBenDon
2-3 連結 (Links)
[Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ContextErrorException] Warning: touch(): Utime failed: Permission denied - Google 搜尋
Help! Permission denied on /var/cache:symfony
Creating and Using Templates (current)
Home - Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure PHP template engine
php - Warning: touch(): Utime failed: Permission denied - Stack Overflow
The page is not found
Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
php - Trouble with importing annotations - Stack Overflow
php - Symfony2 - Doctrine and FOSUserBundle - wrong annotations - Stack Overflow
Doctrine Tutorial - CRUD
2. Installation and Configuration — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
php - Doctrine2 - annotations vs yml / xml - Stack Overflow
強迫 PHP 將 Buffer 的資料提前輸出 - Tsung's Blog
php数组提示Notice: Undefined offset解决办法-常见问题-Php教程-壹聚教程网
[Syntax Error] Expected Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer: - Google 搜尋
Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException: [Syntax Error] [#2723969] |
When Doctrine proxy classes don't get generated · Issue #2757 · concrete5/concrete5
doctrine2 - Symfony 2 syntax Error - Stack Overflow
Symfony 3 with ReactJS and Angular
Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation


Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
SensioGeneratorBundle (The Symfony Bundles Documentation)
SensioGeneratorBundle CURD - Google 搜尋
tutorial.php.symfony.framework.cms/ at master · kendoctor/tutorial.php.symfony.framework.cms
kendoctor (kendoctor) / Starred
symfony/symfony-docs: The Symfony documentation
Behat/Symfony2Extension: Symfony2 extension for Behat
CRUD with Symfony2
How To Use Symfony2 To Perform CRUD Operations on a VPS (Part 2) | DigitalOcean
How To Use Symfony2 To Perform CRUD Operations on a VPS (Part 1) | DigitalOcean
(控制器)怎样去定义一个控制器为服务 - symfony2中文教程
The Big Picture (The Symfony Quick Tour current)
Symfony | NGINX
centos6 - there are two config file /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf and /etc/nginx/nginx.conf which one is enable? - Stack Overflow
What is wrong with my nginx.conf? - Stack Overflow
Can't start Nginx - Job for nginx.service failed | DigitalOcean
php - RuntimeException: Unable to create the cache directory (/var/www/sonata/app/cache/dev) - Stack Overflow
symfony - symfony2 : failed to write cache directory - Stack Overflow
Setting up or Fixing File Permissions (current)
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Unable to create the cache directory...' - WPML
Symfony versus Flat PHP (current)
Create your First Page in Symfony (current)
Create your First Page in Symfony (current)
Routing (current)
404 Not Found
Routing (current)
Controller (current)
Routing (current)
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
whitch yml php stackoverflow - Google 搜尋
FrameworkBundle Configuration ("framework") (The Symfony Reference)


Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
Welcome to Doctrine 2 ORM’s documentation! — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
View Order
Instant Markdown
file - git push to remote repo, but seems nothing is uploaded on repo - Stack Overflow
LearnDoctrine/show_product.php at master · ceparadise168/LearnDoctrine
work note: [git] 查看檔案修改歷程及差異
git - Add all files to a commit except a single file? - Stack Overflow
Git - 復原
Git - 重寫歷史
忽略檔案 · Git
忽略檔案 · Git
Git 情境劇 - 好麻煩部落格
The page is temporarily unavailable
Routing (current)
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
Routing (current)
php - How can I create slugify in symfony2? - Stack Overflow
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (master)
SensioGeneratorBundle (The Symfony Bundles Documentation)
Generating a CRUD Controller Based on a Doctrine Entity (SensioLabs Generator Bundle documentation)
symfiny CURD - Google 搜尋
jobeet第五天:路由 - symfony2中文教程
怎么关于PHP框架symfony,没人来回答呢,是用的人少吗? - 知乎
Jobeet-Tutorial/ at master · huajie1988/Jobeet-Tutorial
symfony - How do I delete an entity from symfony2 - Stack Overflow
SQL資料隱碼攻擊 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Mastering Symfony: Sohail Salehi: 9781784390310: Books
Mastering Symfony | PACKT Books
ceparadise168/symfony-demo: Symfony Demo Application
天瓏網路書店-Mastering Symfony(Paperback)


symfony-demo/post_show.html.twig at master · ceparadise168/symfony-demo
symfony-demo/BlogController.php at master · ceparadise168/symfony-demo
symfony-demo/Comment.php at master · ceparadise168/symfony-demo
通过slug查询或通过id查询? - DeveloperQ - 开发者问题网 - 海量问题解决方案
使用 Babosa 配合 Friendly_id 解決中文網址問題 - 蟑螂窩
Controller (current)
Controller (current)
php - How can I create slugify in symfony2? - Stack Overflow
php - where put slugify method for symfony2 entities - Stack Overflow
The page is temporarily unavailable
不用租主機,使用ngrok即可分享你在個人電腦中的網站 | SKYNET資訊生活雜記
php - nginx configuration with multiple location blocks - Stack Overflow
Nginx Error 111: Connection refused | DigitalOcean
nginx - connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream - Server Fault
git add 添加文件后怎么返回,这个是有后悔命令的呀! - 软件应用 - 爱学者论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
theNewJobeet/app/Resources/views at master · gabiudrescu/theNewJobeet
gabiudrescu (Gabi Udrescu)
【整理向】Symfony2 Jobeet Day 3: The Data Model | Cavyff 's Blog
symfony jobeet - Google 搜尋
【整理向】Jobeet Tutorial with Symfony2 | Cavyff 's Blog
tulik/symfony-3-jobeet: Symfony 3 Jobeet tutorial.
Symfony2 - Jobeet - Blog
Is there a good learning project like Jobeet for Symfony 2? - Stack Overflow
Jobeet Tutorial with Symfony2 | ENS
Tutorial Track for Symfony 3 | KnpUniversity
Symfony2 - Jobeet - Jour 01 - Démarrage du projet - Blog
fzaninotto/Faker: Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
Symfony 3 Doctrine - how to generate ManyToOne multiple @JoinColumn annotations? - Web on the Edge


php - nginx configuration with multiple location blocks - Stack Overflow
symfony-demo/post_show.html.twig at master · ceparadise168/symfony-demo
symfony-demo/BlogController.php at master · ceparadise168/symfony-demo
symfony-demo/Comment.php at master · ceparadise168/symfony-demo
通过slug查询或通过id查询? - DeveloperQ - 开发者问题网 - 海量问题解决方案
使用 Babosa 配合 Friendly_id 解決中文網址問題 - 蟑螂窩
Controller (current)
php - How can I create slugify in symfony2? - Stack Overflow
php - where put slugify method for symfony2 entities - Stack Overflow
不用租主機,使用ngrok即可分享你在個人電腦中的網站 | SKYNET資訊生活雜記
Nginx Error 111: Connection refused | DigitalOcean
nginx - connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream - Server Fault
git add 添加文件后怎么返回,这个是有后悔命令的呀! - 软件应用 - 爱学者论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
theNewJobeet/app/Resources/views at master · gabiudrescu/theNewJobeet
gabiudrescu (Gabi Udrescu)
【整理向】Symfony2 Jobeet Day 3: The Data Model | Cavyff 's Blog
symfony jobeet - Google 搜尋
【整理向】Jobeet Tutorial with Symfony2 | Cavyff 's Blog
tulik/symfony-3-jobeet: Symfony 3 Jobeet tutorial.
Symfony2 - Jobeet - Blog
Is there a good learning project like Jobeet for Symfony 2? - Stack Overflow
Jobeet Tutorial with Symfony2 | ENS
Tutorial Track for Symfony 3 | KnpUniversity
Symfony2 - Jobeet - Jour 01 - Démarrage du projet - Blog
fzaninotto/Faker: Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
[ Part 3 ]- Data Model - Creating entities - Web on the Edge
[ Part 3 ]- Data Model - Creating entities - Web on the Edge
Getting Started with Doctrine — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
Generating a CRUD Controller Based on a Doctrine Entity (SensioLabs Generator Bundle documentation)
Generating a New Doctrine Entity Stub (SensioLabs Generator Bundle documentation)
25. Tools — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
TextType Field (The Symfony Reference)
php - What causes: "Notice: Uninitialized string offset" to appear? - Stack Overflow
vim color 多於空格 - Google 搜尋
Wiki - vimrc設定教學
How to color the Git console in Ubuntu? - Stack Overflow
軟體工匠 R 的筆記: 讓 vim 顯示 tab 和行末的空白字元
每天一個Linux指令- grep 指令(強大的文本搜索 工具) @ jashliao的部落格 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
Git - 復原
1. Commit --amend【教學3 改寫提交】 | 連猴子都能懂的Git入門指南 | 貝格樂(Backlog)
PSR-2: Coding Style Guide - PHP-FIG
LYRASOFT PHP 編碼規範範例 | LYRASOFT - Web Design and Development
Django TemplateResponse vs render - Stack Overflow
你走你的陽關道,我走我的獨木橋:前後端分離 - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天
[教學] Linux 下計算檔案、資料夾大小的指令。 - Orz快樂學電腦
The page is temporarily unavailable
php - Nginx connect() failed error - Stack Overflow
PHP-FPM doesn't write to error log - Stack Overflow


The page is temporarily unavailable
nginx symfony 404 not found - Google 搜尋
404 Not Found
Creating and Using Templates (current)
PHP: Arrays - Manual
Twig Template Form Function and Variable Reference (The Symfony Reference)
Nginx 111: Connection refused errors. | DigitalOcean
nginx symfony 404 not found - Google 搜尋
php - Symfony2 + Nginx 404 not found - Stack Overflow
php - Symfony2 nginx issue - all pages 404 not found - Stack Overflow
nginx - Symfony 2: 404 Not Found Error when tryes to open /app_dev.php - Stack Overflow
7. Working with Objects — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
7. Working with Objects — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
symfony - How do I delete an entity from symfony2 - Stack Overflow
7. Working with Objects — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
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configuration - Nginx 403 error: directory index of [folder] is forbidden - Stack Overflow
nginx 403 forbidden 二种原因«海底苍鹰(tank)博客


Form Types Reference (The Symfony Reference)
TextareaType Field (The Symfony Reference)
TextType Field (The Symfony Reference)
Forms (current)
Forms (current)
Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder | Symfony API
PHP $_POST Function 使用方法詳細介紹 - 網頁設計教學站
PHP POST 使用方法與範例 - Wibibi
parsing - PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? - Stack Overflow
php - syntax error, unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW - Stack Overflow
BBinMobile - 訂便當管理系統 DinBenDon
directory index of forbidden - Google 搜尋
nginx 403 forbidden 二种原因«海底苍鹰(tank)博客
php - Symfony 2 server deploy Fatal Error: It tries to open localhost file - Stack Overflow


text textarea - Google 搜尋
MozTW 討論區 • 檢視主題 - 關於Firefox3: token 的翻譯問題
configuration - Nginx 403 error: directory index of [folder] is forbidden - Stack Overflow
同样碰到 403 问题了 directory index of "/*/public/" is forbidden · Ruby China
View Order
nginx - connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream - Server Fault
Php - Unable to set php_value 'soap.wsdl_cache_dir'
apache - Unable to set php_value 'soap.wsdl_cache_dir' - Stack Overflow
nginx+php-fpm(chroot). No input file specifed - Server Fault
FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" - Google 搜尋
Nginx 錯誤訊息 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, | Mr. 沙先生
nginx FastCGI错误Primary script unknown解决办法_nginx_脚本之家
php - 1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" - Stack Overflow
configuration - Nginx 403 error: directory index of [folder] is forbidden - Stack Overflow
php - Starting with laravel on ubuntu - Stack Overflow
nginx + php-fpm = File not found - Stack Overflow
[PHP]TWIG – 佛祖球球
[Git] Git 自學筆記 : 修改或刪除檔案, 後悔了怎麼辦?? | Mike's開發瘋 - 點部落
symfony - Call to undefined method can't create createDeleteForm - Stack Overflow
Forms (current)
php - Symfony2 - use of Delete form in CRUD operation - Stack Overflow
How to Create REST API in Symfony 3.1
PHP 區別 public private protected | 無痛教學 KiKi Note
HTML ul tag


nginx - How do I force redirect all 404's (or every page, whether invalid or not) to the homepage? - Stack Overflow
php - Nginx showing 404 Not Found for every page but homepage - Stack Overflow
htaccess to nginx converter
Symfony | NGINX
php - Symfony2 + Nginx 404 not found - Stack Overflow
Proposed Nginx configuration does not allow custom handled 404 page on URI /app.php · Issue #5785 · symfony/symfony-docs
nginx all page return 404 · Issue #7652 · symfony/symfony
nginx über config
调试 Nginx 的配置 - yexiaoxiaobai - SegmentFault
Pitfalls and Common Mistakes | NGINX
nginx提示:500 Internal Server Error错误的解决方法_nginx_脚本之家
PHP FastCGI Example | NGINX
正規表示式 Regular Expression | 就是愛程式
Uncle's Blog: [Vim] 複製、貼上、搜尋、復原
Fixing HTTP ERROR 500 (nginx) for every Laravel route
HTML font 文字 - Wibibi
FormType Field (The Symfony Reference)
Web Forms - Dive Into HTML5
FormType Field (The Symfony Reference)
symfony form builder add - Google 搜尋
php - How to set default value for form field in Symfony2? - Stack Overflow
[php]DateTimeZone::getOffset 返回時區從GMT偏移 @ 程式設計@筆記 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
顯示 筆數 PHP - Google 搜尋
[鐵人賽Day10]PHP簡易分頁實作 - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天
[SOLVED] Redirect to named route, passing array to method - - The Laravel Community Portal
用 PHP 寫 Command-Line Script(CLI) - Tsung's Blog
php - Fatal error: Call to undefined method DateTime::createfromformat() - Stack Overflow
PHP: DateTime::setTimezone - Manual
PHP: DateTimeZone - Manual
PHP: DateTime::setTimezone - Manual
[筆記] PHP:時間函數 @ 正Man's World :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
datetime - DateTimeZone and getTransitions in symfony 2.0 - Stack Overflow
Symfony: why the backslash in \DateTime(); - Stack Overflow
datetime - php 5.3 Fatal error Class DateTimeZone not found - Stack Overflow
PHP DateTime class Namespace - Stack Overflow


symfony-demo/BlogController.php at master · ceparadise168/symfony-demo
LearnSymfony/DefaultController.php at master · ceparadise168/LearnSymfony
php - Convert DateTime class to string - Stack Overflow
c# - how to insert null Datetime in database with entity framework codefirst - Stack Overflow
cannot be null datetime php - Google 搜尋
php - How to store NULL values in datetime fields in MySQL? - Stack Overflow
mysql - Can't get PHP form to save datetime to NULL - Stack Overflow
php - MySQL, how to insert null dates - Stack Overflow
MySQL Bugs: #72628: MySQL is not inserting Default value for datetime column when null value passed
symfony - Symfony2 DateTime null accept - Stack Overflow
PHP: Function arguments - Manual
[php]定義construct建構子與destruct解構子 –OOP學習筆記2 | Hello! Colorful World@CN
symfony - Symfony2 Column cannot be null - Stack Overflow
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
date - Symfony -> How to make created and modified fields dynamic with Doctrine? - Stack Overflow
call to a member function format on null - Google 搜尋
"Call to a member function format() on a non-object" when converting date in PHP - Stack Overflow
datetime - PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function format() on boolean - Stack Overflow
syntax - What Does This Mean in PHP -> or => - Stack Overflow
Undefined property - Google 搜尋
PHP and laravel知识点小小积累 - 世有因果知因索果 - 博客园


[ PHP ] – Pagination DEMO CODE 分頁範例程式碼 – 混水摸魚 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
symfony twig Paginator - Google 搜尋
A gist for pagination in Twig, based on the total number of pages, the current page and some URL-settings.
Symfony & Doctrine Pagination with Twig — Anil | Developer
书籍列表页面 | 用Symfony 3建立Web应用
用Symfony 3建立Web应用(完成) · GitBook
rsywx_tutorial/Paginator.php at master · taylorren/rsywx_tutorial
解决symfony2 - How to get Pagination direction in twig for KNP paginator? - symfony2-twig-knppaginator -
[Part 1] - Symfony2 設定與樣板 — symblog - A Symfony2 Tutorial
Symfony 框架实战教程——第三天:用 KnpPaginatorBundle 实现翻页 | Chrisyue's Blog
symfony分页实现方法 - 雷绍发 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
书籍列表页面 | 用Symfony 3建立Web应用
KnpPaginatorBundle(symfony分页的一些小总结) – coffey
Issues · KnpLabs/KnpPaginatorBundle
KNP paginator reborn
14. Doctrine Query Language — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
Using find command in bash script - Stack Overflow
Pitfalls and Common Mistakes | NGINX
第八章:数据库和Doctrine - symfony2中文教程
PHP: 类型运算符 - Manual
how to realize pagination symfony - Google 搜尋
php - How can I implement pagination in symfony2? - Stack Overflow
Custom pagination in PHP and Symfony - Tutorial - Binpress
15. The QueryBuilder — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
DQL vs Doctrine Query Builder
doctrine-databasics/src/AppBundle/Controller at master · codereviewvideos/doctrine-databasics
php - Doctrine 2 QueryBuilder vs Handcoded DQL - different results - Stack Overflow
sql - Select first result only - Stack Overflow
SQL WHERE - 1Keydata SQL 語法教學
Docrtine ORM pagination learn - Google 搜尋
symfony - Twig loop variables with Doctrine 2 Paginator, is this a bug? - Stack Overflow
Pagination in Doctrine for PHP Code Example - Runnable
Output: Pagination in Doctrine for PHP

0525-1 (分頁)

SQL COUNT() (函數 / Function) - SQL 語法教學 Tutorial
SQL WHERE - 1Keydata SQL 語法教學
What does compact() do in Laravel? - Quora
symfony - What does getiterator() method do? - Stack Overflow
PHP compact() 函数
29. Pagination — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
doctrine - create a specific query with querybuilder in symfony - Stack Overflow
LearnSymfony/DefaultController.php at master · ceparadise168/LearnSymfony
Pagination with Twig and KnpPaginatorBundle
pagination - Symfony3 Doctrine queryBuilder for pagerfanta on ManyToMany realationship - Stack Overflow
symfony twig Paginator - Google 搜尋
A gist for pagination in Twig, based on the total number of pages, the current page and some URL-settings.
Pagination with Twig and KnpPaginatorBundle
symfony - doctrine querybuilder limit and offset - Stack Overflow
15. The QueryBuilder — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
php - Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_RETURN - Stack Overflow
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
29. Pagination — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
symfony doctrine limit offset - Google 搜尋
symfony - Use Limit and Offset in Doctrine2 query - Stack Overflow
php - Undefined method The method name must start with either findBy or findOneBy - Stack Overflow
5. SQL Query Builder — Doctrine DBAL 2 documentation
symfony - Use Limit and Offset in Doctrine2 query - Stack Overflow
symfony - Doctrine2 OFFSET and LIMIT - Stack Overflow
symfony - query builder getResult() performance - Stack Overflow
An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error
php - Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 3 passed to Symfony::render() must be an instance of Symfony\..\Response, array given - Stack Overflow
php - Cannot use object of type stdClass as array? - Stack Overflow
15. The QueryBuilder — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
29. Pagination — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
How to Use the Console (current)
15. The QueryBuilder — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
JPQL 語法簡介
symfony - Symfony2 - Querybuilder error - Call to a member function getTitle() on a non-object - Stack Overflow

0525-2 (分頁)

[ PHP ] – Pagination DEMO CODE 分頁範例程式碼 – 混水摸魚 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
symfony twig Paginator - Google 搜尋
A gist for pagination in Twig, based on the total number of pages, the current page and some URL-settings.
Symfony & Doctrine Pagination with Twig — Anil | Developer
15. The QueryBuilder — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
书籍列表页面 | 用Symfony 3建立Web应用
用Symfony 3建立Web应用(完成) · GitBook
rsywx_tutorial/Paginator.php at master · taylorren/rsywx_tutorial
解决symfony2 - How to get Pagination direction in twig for KNP paginator? - symfony2-twig-knppaginator -
[Part 1] - Symfony2 設定與樣板 — symblog - A Symfony2 Tutorial
Symfony 框架实战教程——第三天:用 KnpPaginatorBundle 实现翻页 | Chrisyue's Blog
symfony分页实现方法 - 雷绍发 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
书籍列表页面 | 用Symfony 3建立Web应用
KnpPaginatorBundle(symfony分页的一些小总结) – coffey
Issues · KnpLabs/KnpPaginatorBundle
KNP paginator reborn
14. Doctrine Query Language — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
Using find command in bash script - Stack Overflow
第八章:数据库和Doctrine - symfony2中文教程
php - How can I implement pagination in symfony2? - Stack Overflow
Custom pagination in PHP and Symfony - Tutorial - Binpress
15. The QueryBuilder — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
DQL vs Doctrine Query Builder
doctrine-databasics/src/AppBundle/Controller at master · codereviewvideos/doctrine-databasics
php - Doctrine 2 QueryBuilder vs Handcoded DQL - different results - Stack Overflow
sql - Select first result only - Stack Overflow
SQL WHERE - 1Keydata SQL 語法教學
Docrtine ORM pagination learn - Google 搜尋
symfony - Twig loop variables with Doctrine 2 Paginator, is this a bug? - Stack Overflow
Pagination in Doctrine for PHP Code Example - Runnable
Output: Pagination in Doctrine for PHP
SQL ORDER BY - 1Keydata SQL 語法教學
BBinMobile - 訂便當管理系統 DinBenDon
An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error
How to fix an unknown internal server error (500) Nginx is giving me? | DigitalOcean
Git - 分支的新建與合併
Git 教學(2):Git Branch 的操作與基本工作流程 - 好麻煩部落格
5.2 代码回滚:Reset、Checkout、Revert的选择 · geeeeeeeeek/git-recipes Wiki
Databases and the Doctrine ORM (current)
14. Doctrine Query Language — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation
LearnSymfony/DefaultController.php at master · ceparadise168/LearnSymfony
response echo PHP - Google 搜尋
How to Use the Console (current)
PHP: empty - Manual
php - How to echo a query - Stack Overflow
